Sunday, February 16 2025

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Beating Burnout

HR, payroll, and finance expert MHR has today released its predictions for the top trends for HR professionals in 2024, with addressing burnout the most pressing priority on the agenda.

Shockingly, it reveals that half (50 per cent) of HR professionals are on the verge of quitting thanks to burnout. Organisations will have to either prepare for a sudden massive talent deficit, or consider investing in ways to combat this urgently in 2024.

The increase in reported burnout is likely due to the emotional load presented by the role of HR, which is likely to increase through 2024 given constant changes to employment law and increased employee expectations. Remote work has also compounded the issue, with teams feeling disconnected and bereft of a support network.

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Automating key processes can provide a solution to HR burnout. Coming into 2024, more organisations will embrace digital transformation, and HR departments will need to work closely with other departments to understand how AI can improve business functions, and how it can serve as a supplemental tool, rather than a talent replacement.

However, AI needs to be especially monitored for instances of bias, particularly in recruitment. In order to mitigate this, HR teams should work alongside Chief Technology Officers to regularly analyse and test AI-driven HR processes, and continuously improve AI models based on feedback, ensuring ethical and fair AI use in HR through the new year.

With the continued implementation of AI and automation in the workplace in 2024, HR professionals will also need to ensure that employees have the correct skill sets, as shifting technologies mean that role requirements will look different year to year.

The research reveals that skillsets for jobs have already changed by 25 per cent since 2015, and by 2027, this number is expected to double. As a result, candidates who can pick up new skills and adapt to change will be in high demand for 2024.

Likewise, upskilling existing employees will be a focus for 2024. With 80 per cent of the workforce no longer sitting behind desks to do their jobs according to the report, HR professionals cannot keep relying on traditional ‘office-based’ learning approaches to create an upskilling culture. Instead, HR professionals will need to re-examine talent management strategies, and ensure that these align with learning resources offered.

Anton Roe, CEO at MHR, said: “AI was a stand-out theme for 2023 and it looks as though it is here to stay. As the adoption of AI becomes more widespread among businesses, HR leaders will need to review their processes to ensure it is a central theme of company strategy moving forward.

“Particular emphasis should be placed on reducing repetitive workload, improving data analysis and decision support. These are the areas that help to reduce workloads across HR organisations, reducing the risk of employee burnout as a result.”

The full report from MHR can be downloaded here.

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