ManpowerGroup has expanded it Experis offering in Vietnam seeking to attract, assess and place specialised skilled talent IT, finance and engineering talent in the country. The business says 45 per cent of employers globally are struggling to fill vacancies and the company hope to deliver in-demand talent for mission-critical positions and projects.
In the Digital Age, business growth depends on organisations finding the right balance of people, skills and technology. Experis brings experience in over 50 countries and expertise developed from partnering with over 80 per cent of the Fortune 500.
“Today success for organisations depends on attracting, developing and retaining the brightest and best skilled talent.” said Simon Matthews, country manager, ManpowerGroup Vietnam, Thailand and Middle East. “Highly skilled workers in IT, engineering and finance will find themselves in high demand that’s why our Experis offering has never been more relevant. Our consultants dig deep to understand the specific needs of each organisation and find the professionals whose skills and experience make them the best technical and cultural match. We’re pleased to introduce Experis to Vietnam, to helping connect even more highly skilled candidates to in-demand roles.”
ManpowerGroup Vietnam is also set to provide soft skills training to Vietnamese students of Auckland University of Technology (AUT), which is an international training partner of ITEC, and through this provide in-demand job opportunities to IT graduates from the university.