Research from Aviva shows a third (33 per cent) of UK employers are concerned about ‘retaining skilled staff’ within their organisation closely followed by ‘recruiting the right people’ (32 per cent) when they consider the top issues that face their organisation.
A further one in five (21 per cent) employers said they were concerned about supporting older workers, with almost the same number citing ‘an ageing workforce’ (20 per cent) as a worry for them, like giving staff options around flexible working and access to financial support.
There’s no denying the UK’s workforce is ageing, and government and employers need to do more to prepare for the impact this will have on UK companies in the coming years. When thinking about the future prospects of their business and the people they recruit, employers should think about how they support and develop their mid-life employees if they are to prosper.
“Today, there are a record 10.6 million over-50s in work in the UK,” said Alistair McQueen, Head of Savings and Retirement at Aviva. “This is – by far – the fastest growing age group in work in the country. We think investing in the UK’s ageing workforce is now a “need to do”, not just a “nice to do” and that’s why we introduced a Mid-Life MOT for our staff last year.”
Aviva have produce a report into how employers can support their mid-life employees’ wealth, work and wellbeing – The UK’s Mid-Life Workforce: navigating uncharted waters.