The RCSA, has developed and launched their #LoveYourWork campaign, designed to educate, celebrate and raise awareness of the important role agency work plays in modern society and modern economies. With agency work delivering $30 billion to the Australian and New Zealand economies, the industry is still overlooked for yet the diverse opportunities it offers. The campaign was launched at the start of October and through the art of authentic storytelling looks at the reality of agency work for those who choose to work this way.
From the semi-retired who are looking to keep engaged, to those who use agency work to transition to another sector, from those at university exploring their career options to those who enjoy the freedom and flexibility a career as an agency worker offers, the #LoveYourWork campaign showcases real stories about real people getting real value from agency work. Just as importantly, the #LoveYourWork campaign shines a light on businesses who source staff through agencies. Businesses have shared their stories about how engaging agency workers has allowed them to expand their business and remain competitive globally.
“The world of work is changing,” RCSA CEO Charles Cameron says. “The Australian and New Zealand economies need staffing agencies if they are to meet the employment and workforce demands of business and workers alike.
“Individuals choose agency work for a variety of reasons,” he continues. “Agency work allows Aussies and Kiwis from all walks of life to take control of their lives by choosing when and where they will work. It allows them to pursue new avenues of employment and gives them the flexibility to have the work-life balance so many are striving for these days.
“It’s about having a work opportunity, which actually works for them, not the other way around.”
Business and employment sector luminary Andrew Banks, who is best known to many from television’s The Shark Tank, provides the introduction message.
“There is nothing more powerful than hearing stories from the people involved in agency work and how it empowers them,” Cameron said. “From the rugged beauty of the Kimberley in remote Western Australia, to farms near Mildura and Melbourne CBD offices, the stories lift the lid on why agency work is so important to the health of the Australian and New Zealand economies.”
Each of the videos and more information on the campaign can be found at: