Morgan McKinley has asked professional workers about their views on Brexit. From a survey of 6,500 they found the majority (74 per cent) want a second referendum. Then when asked how the participants would vote in a second referendum, three per cent said they would prefer May’s current deal, 22 per cent would choose Leave and 75 per cent stated they would Remain.
Hakan Enver, managing director, Morgan Mckinley said: “An overwhelming 74 per cent voted in favour of a second referendum. It is apparent there is a cross section of the UK who feel as though they deserve the option of determining the UK’s future relationship with the European Union.” One respondent commented “there has been a material change of facts since the referendum of 2016. The reality is nothing like the picture that the Brexit campaign painted in 2016. The people should be allowed to rethink their position based on the new information.”
Enver continues “On the flip side, there is equal pressure from others who feel that democracy has allowed a decision to be made and that we should prepare for what the UK’s future looks like not being part of the EU.” Another quoted “a second vote doesn’t clarify how to honour the first. It either just delays the process or gives the message to the electorate that if Parliament doesn’t like your decision, we’ll ask you to keep voting until you vote the way we want.”
Morgan McKinley’s latest London Employment Monitor highlighted a 39 per cent decrease in Financial Services jobs available compared to November 2017. “The uncertainty of Brexit means that businesses are stalling on committing to major projects. In turn, this limits investment in talent and prevents organisations from future growth. Add to the mix infighting within the government, a vote of no confidence, as well as as a divided nation. All this combined means we are fast becoming a laughing stock to the rest of Europe. Having come from a position of strength, we are now on the back foot,” says Enver.
“Whilst many across the country believe remaining in the European Union is the right thing for the UK, you will find others who strongly disagree,” he adds. “Being in the EU currently offers access to a single market and passporting rights that allow freedom of movement across European borders, by restricting this, it can allow allow trade agreements with other countries. Therefore, free movement of talent with other nations, who are arguably more aligned to core sectors such as Technology and Financial Services, could become a reality.”
There were 6,500 respondents to the survey, with many professions represented; Financials (39 per cent) and IT (26 per cent) made up the majority. The age ranges that responded were 18-24 (3 per cent), 25-34 (24 per cent), 35-44 (32 per cent), 45-54 (24 per cent), 55-64 (14 per cent) and 65+ (3 per cent).