For months, jobs have been on a seemingly never-ending upwards trajectory as the economy re-opened, the vaccine roll-out continued at pace and a boost...
It’s good news for recruiters and employers alike this month as the WaveTrackR September 2021 Recruitment Trends Report found that applications rose for the...
The WaveTrackR August Report has shown that jobs continue to soar well above the 2020 monthly average, whilst applications have dropped for the third...
WaveTrackR’s June report has revealed that the market is beginning to change. As jobs continued their seemingly unstoppable upwards trend in June, climbing a...
In another indication that the economy might be recovering at a faster rate than previously forecast, WaveTrackR’s May report has revealed that jobs rocketed in May, rising from 145% above the 2020 monthly average in April to a colossal 219% above that average - the highest they have reached all year.
At first glance, the jobs data found in the WaveTrackR April report may feel disheartening. Both jobs and applications decreased from March figures, as did the average number of applications per job. However, looked at on a weekly basis the pattern becomes clearer - and more positive.Â
As if things weren't hard enough with candidates changing their minds, budgets changing and in house recruitment challenging external placements, along came COVID. Productivity is key to any businesses efficiency and success. To achieve succesful outcomes & growth new intiatives are needed that motivate, engage and drive performance,