The gig economy, marked by rapid expansion and job creation, stands as a testament to modern economic innovation. However, the profitability puzzle remains unsolved...
In the bustling world of recruitment, the introduction of SafeRec Certification in June 2023 has been nothing short of revolutionary. With a laser focus on compliance and transparency, it's quickly become the gold standard for umbrella companies, providing a beacon of trust in the complex contingent labour market. This rigorous certification process, underpinned by real-time auditing and cross-referencing with HMRC data, offers an unparalleled level of assurance to recruitment agencies and their clients. The result? Over 3,500 agencies across the UK have already made the decisive switch to partner with SafeRec Certified Umbrella Companies.
In the fast-paced world of recruitment, effectively managing the recruitment and retention of temporary staff is essential for consistent growth and staying ahead.
Are you at a crossroads, wondering whether to build or license your recruitment technology? This decision can significantly impact your agency's efficiency and growth. Find out 3 of the top factors you should consider in this process.
In a rapidly evolving job market, the gig economy is emerging as a dominant force, reshaping the recruitment industry. With projections of over 50% of the U.S. workforce becoming gig workers, traditional recruitment agencies must adapt or risk obsolescence. Explore the implications of this gig economy revolution and discover why establishing a dedicated "Gig Economy Desk" is not a choice but a necessity for the survival and success of recruitment agencies.
The pandemic has put into sharp perspective how essential it is to have the right technology in place with robust support and security. Technology has been elevated from a digital-first approach to cloud everywhere, for everyone.
Over half of workers have spent time during lockdown searching for a new role, according to latest research, with the jobseekers’ market set to surge when those furloughed and working from home return to work.
“The findings from the ‘Health on Demand’ survey confirm our belief that employers looking to build a workplace culture of well-being and to improve talent retention should consider digital health investments."