Tuesday, February 11 2025

The independent voice for the global staffing industry


Entity Solutions >

Entity Solutions
Entity Solutions is a contingent workforce specialist, pioneered in Australia and operating globally for over 20 years. We design and deliver tailored workforce solutions where compliance meets efficiency. We specialise in the following areas: contractor management services, outsourced payroll services, migration services and workforce technology solutions. Whether you’re a recruitment agency, large corporate, small to medium enterprise, consultancy or an independent contractor in this evolving world of work, we have the right solutions for your contingent workforce needs.

Workforce Leaders of Tomorrow: Archway Recruitment, New Zealand

At Entity Solutions, we provide workforce solutions to businesses across the Asia Pacific. This gives us a front row seat to join our customers...

The priority of embedding a culture of diversity and inclusion in the contingent workforce

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” – Peter Drucker Diversity and inclusion (D&I) has never been more of a priority for business as it is today. It...

3 ways of developing business resilience for the future | Webinar Recording

The last 18 months has collectively challenged small business owners more than ever before,  and there are many recruitment agencies that fit into the...

5 insights: Parliamentary inquiry into Australian migration

Australia’s migration program has been hard hit by COVID-19, with 500,000 temporary visa holders leaving the country in the past 12 months. The Parliamentary inquiry into Australia’s skilled migration program handed down its interim report in March which includes 12 recommendations.

Ask the Adviser: Increasing contractor volumes

Entity Solutions recently featured in APSCo’s Recruitment & Co quarterly magazine with an Ask the Adviser column, in response to a member’s question.

Leadership Insight Hub for Asia-based recruitment business leaders

Entity Solutions is pleased to share the Leadership Insight Hub for recruitment leaders in Asia, created in partnership with APSCo Asia. As a recruitment leader operating in Asia, you...

Global Contingent Workforce Response to COVID-19

We recently reached out to our network and customers to gauge how the contingent hiring market was performing during the global COVID-19 pandemic. The...

Labour Hire Licensing in Australia: where are we now?

Labour hire licensing is slowly being introduced across Australia, to ensure the safe and legal engagement of workers. The latest state to implement the...

How are recruitment agencies managing contingent workers in the pandemic?

The global workforce has been changed indelibly by recent events and will continue to evolve as businesses adapt to the new environment. How is the...

Australian Government aims to kick-start the economy with skilled migration

While the international movement of people has nearly altogether halted in 2020 due to the global pandemic, the Australian Government is working hard to welcome workers back through its borders. The Government recognises the value that the global workforce has in rebuilding the Australian economy, with the need to balance any impact on the local labour market

Priority skilled visas and travel exemptions for Australian jobs

A new priority skills list and strengthened labour market testing will allow sponsored skilled workers to travel to Australia to provide urgent skill needs...
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