Saturday, January 25 2025

The independent voice for the global staffing industry



Commercial and Industrial insights

Regional recruitment firm Hales Group have recently released the results of their latest candidate survey, where over 300 commercial and industrial candidates have been invited to share their experiences and insights into the recruitment market.

The job market has expanded significantly as the lockdown eased. For example, in one just month in 2021 over 640,000 new jobs ads went live.

However, the survey tells us that candidates are still unsure about moving to new pastures due to fears around COVID, the cost of living, and a multitude of other factors, which means there are now more roles than candidates.

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Highlights from the commercial candidate survey include:
· 96% of candidates said they would research a company on social media before an interview, compared to just 66% in 2021.
· 44% of candidates were looking for a new job prospect for improved progression opportunities, whereas 30% were looking for increased salaries.
· 58% said they would be put off applying for a role that didn’t advertise a salary.
· When asked what their preferred interview method was, 55% said they had no preference either way.

See the Complete Commercial Candidate Results

Highlights from the industrial candidate survey include:
· When asked why they were looking for a new role, 15% said they were looking to be closer to home, while 10% said they felt underappreciated in their current role.
· When asked if they’d consider staying in their current role upon a counteroffer, 69% said they wouldn’t entertain the idea.
· When asked what their ideal perks package would contain, 71% said additional annual leave, which remains consistent with 74% in 2021.

See the Complete Industrial Candidate Results

Kirsty Walpole, the Managing Director of Employment Services at Hales Group, has this to say “One of the biggest challenges in the labour market at the moment is staff retention. The rising cost of living and the tight labour market which has caused significant inflation in starting salaries for both temporary and permanent employees.”
“Surveys like this give us a real insight into the job market as a whole, and how candidates and employers are navigating these evolutions and challenges.”

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