Wednesday, January 22 2025

The independent voice for the global staffing industry



Regretted Decision

Recruitment and employment technology company, CareerWallet has recently published a national employee survey showing detailed trends and insights into the UK job market. The report highlights that nearly 1 in 5 job seekers (18 per cent) who have accepted a new role have immediately regretted the move as soon as they have started the role.

The survey went on to show that more women (19 per cent) than men (15 per cent) regret starting new roles with the main reasons offered by jobseekers being unprofessional or even aggressive management, the role had been mis-sold in the interview and in some cases, the starting salary was even lower than was agreed during the recruitment process.

The national survey from the leading tech firm shows how many employees are disappointed when moving roles and often end up in worse positions than previously after all the stress and upheaval of job hunting, interviews and starting new roles. The results highlight the importance of good management and complete honesty when recruiting new staff to ensure all parties are happy and the efforts have a positive outcome.

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Craig Bines, CEO at The CareerWallet Group, commented, “At CareerWallet we process millions of jobs a day and this allows us to quickly see how the job market is being impacted on a daily basis.

Our national employee survey has highlighted how important it is for accurate job descriptions and complete transparency and honesty when recruiting new members of staff. It is a very competitive market, and it is a huge effort to recruit the right candidates at the moment and the last thing a business wants is for this person to leave quickly or disrupt the team because they feel they have been lied to during the recruitment process.”

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