Monday, February 10 2025

The independent voice for the global staffing industry



Additional prison contract wins for Staffline.

Staffline have announced that its PeoplePlus division has been successful in the latest round of Prison Education tenders, securing contracts worth a total of £104.6 million over a four-year period.

At the Group’s interim results, management set a target to double Staffline’s share of the Prison Education market from c. 10 per cent to c. 20 per cent. Following the latest round of allocations, Staffline will have a c.25 per cent share and will operate in 22 prisons across the UK. The Group’s success in this latest procurement process includes retaining all of Staffline’s existing contracts and adding significant further delivery.

“Growing our presence in prison education is a key strategic priority for our PeoplePlus division, and I am delighted that we have managed to exceed the target that we set at the interims,” said Chris Pullen, chief executive officer of Staffline. “This strong performance is underpinned by our innovative proposition and demonstrates our continued success in transitioning PeoplePlus into the UK’s leading skills and training provider.”

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