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Donate your day or hourly salary to help children affected by war.

The Global Recruiter are supporting the Donate Your Day initiative run by War Child. On this day, 20th June 2019, The Global Recruiter will be celebrating the best of the recruitment industry at their annual industry Awards ceremony in London. On the same day, War Child is running its Donate Your Day event to help children affected by war build brighter futures.

To take part, individuals can donate a day’s salary to War Child. Alternatively, if they can’t donate their whole day’s salary but would like to be a part of the campaign and make a difference they can donate an hour of their salary. If you’re interested in taking part, the initiative can be run across an entire company with the support of War Child resources. Companies can join a growing network of businesses who are seeking to enhance their CSR activities as well as empowering their employees to come together for a good cause can improve morale and wellbeing.


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How War Child can help: Our dedicated team will help you set up gifts through your payroll and our communications toolkit will help you tell the world about your involvement.


This toolkit will include:

  • A Donate Your Day video
  • Social media assets that you can co-brand
  • Presentation slides to inspire your staff and get them involved
  • Email templates to help you engage your staff

War Child is striving for a world where children’s lives are no longer torn apart by war. The charity protect, educate and stand up for the rights of children caught up in conflict, aiming to reach children as early as possible when conflict breaks out and staying to support them through their recovery – helping to keep them safe, give them an education, and equip them with skills for the future.

From supporting Syrian children to access education, to reintegrating child soldiers in the Central African Republic and promoting justice for young people in detention in Afghanistan, together with partner organisations, the charity works in 15 countries across Africa, Asia and the Middle East, and Latin America.

To find out more about War Child and get involved, go to: https://www.warchild.org.uk

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