Monday, February 10 2025

The independent voice for the global staffing industry



Hutchison take eTail

Forsyth Barnes has appointed Grant Hutchison as head of eTail – permanent. Originally hired as an associate consultant with seven months experience, in the space of five years he has received five promotions and will now lead the entire eTail – permanent division.

Grant is also at the forefront of Forsyth Barnes’ international expansion to the US. He’ll be opening the New York office this year, relocating with his brother who’s also employed with Forsyth Barnes, and four other members of staff.

“Grant has worked unbelievably hard during the five years he’s worked here, joining as an associate consultant with less than a year’s recruitment experience, to now leading our entire Etail division,” commented director Scott Parsons. “Career achievements aside, Grant has been someone I’ve always been so incredibly proud to work alongside.

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“His drive, ethic and commitment to personal best as well as dedication towards helping others be the best that they can be is inspiring and infectious, and I can think of no one more deserving of such a massive promotion,” added Parsons.

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