Sunday, January 26 2025

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Construction and engineering lead ANZ advert increase.

The Jobs Online quarterly release has been published by the Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment in New Zealand. It found job advertisements rising by 1.9 per cent in the September 2018 quarter, equally changes in the June 2018 quarter.

The measure found construction and engineering, business services and the health sector delivering the strongest increase across most of the regions while the strongest percentage increase in online advertising over the quarter came from professional occupations and machinery operator and driver groups.

Over the year, the increase was contributed to by highly skilled and unskilled jobs. Semi-skilled jobs continued to show the weakest increase, especially in the sales occupation group.

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Provincial New Zealand still leads the increase in job advertisements over the quarter, when unweighted change is considered. However, the size of Auckland and Wellington meant they were the main contributors’ of quarterly increase, while Canterbury’s job advertisements fell. Over the year, the main contributors of overall increase remained in Auckland and Wellington when the volume of advertisements was considered.

The Jobs Online measure takes into account changes in online job advertisements from four internet job boards – SEEK, Trade Me Jobs, Education Gazette and Kiwi Health Jobs.

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