Tuesday, February 11 2025

The independent voice for the global staffing industry


Tag results for: flexible

Open University and Sky Media team up to help ambitions.

"We hope this campaign inspires people all around the UK to engage with flexible learning."

Report offers insight into stress and wellbeing side of remote working.

"It is important for employers to offer training on how to manage the unique demands of remote working."

Aussie workers more distracted than ever before says survey.

The study suggests organisations should look to invest in consolidating their various collaborative tools and technologies into a simpler, more streamlined system.

Shift workers twice as likely to miss important occasions.

“Missing out on family moments and dropping extra-curricular interests is only going to lead to miserable workers."

Survey finds 28 per cent report working from home negative to mental health.

83 per cent felt obliged to carry out house chores and that often get given jobs to do while “working from home”.

Working mums and dads feel stuck in jobs with no career progression.

"As skills shortages become larger in many sectors, employers should take note of the demand for flexible working and the push for greater flexibility."

Study shows that UK office workers want flexible hours for better life.

"Allowing employees to work when it suits their needs could also have a significant impact on their alertness and have important mental health and sleep benefits."

17.9 million people believe the future of work will be flexible.

"HR departments fear freelancers due to the numerous invoices and timesheets that come with hiring freelance workers."

A third of UK office workers are still not offered flexible working.

“Flexible working is just one element of a smarter approach to the working week which I feel is needed across the UK."

Poor data on office space use lead to inflexible work.

One of the reasons firms are falling at the first hurdle towards flexibility is because they do not understand how they currently use their office space.

Stuart Thomas, customer success lead in the recruitment division of The Access Group says recruiters are craving simple benefits.

The freedom to log on and work remotely will suddenly open up a lot of possibilities for your consultants, as well as free time in their diaries.

Growing acceptance of the gig economy in Australia creates new workforce make-up.

“The hiring process should not only evaluate a candidate’s skill and experience level, but also whether or not they will make a good cultural fit."