Monday, February 10 2025

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Davidson leader takes role in RCSA working group initiative.

The executive and boards group manager at Davidson, Clare McCartin, has been announced as chair of the new Diversity Working Group at the Recruitment, Consulting and Staffing Association of Australia & NZ. Clare believes strongly that there is a responsibility to encourage greater education, thinking and action around diversity issues in recruitment.

The focus of the Diversity Working Group at RCSA will be around achieving greater diversity within the sector and the committee members will explore the impact the recruitment sector has on diversity in the workforce. The working group was formed following a recent story on LinkedIn’s Gender Insights Report. The story says recruiters are 13 per cent less likely to look at a woman’s profile when she shows up in a search and three per cent less likely to contact a woman by InMail after viewing her profile.

“The RCSA Diversity Working Group will drive discussion, insight and education on issues of diversity relevant to the sector,” Brooke Lord, head of advocacy and policy with RCSA, said. “And we are thrilled to have Clare McCartin volunteer to chair the group. Her expertise and reputation in this space, her network and her passion to drive change is a valuable resource to have when you want to make real change and the way people think about diversity.”

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Clare knows a lot about championing women in leadership. It was Clare’s initiative to celebrate the most talented women in the public and sector in NSW and VIC and see them recognised more publicly.

For the last two years, under Clare’s supervision, Davidson established ‘The Top 50 Women Awards’ to heighten the profiles and acknowledge the achievements of Australian women in the public sector. These events are a way of raising the profiles of these women and encouraging change. The NSW ‘Top 50 Women in the Public Sector’ Alumnae event is happening on March 28th. Already, the feedback from last year’s winners is that they have experienced positive outcomes including being offered more senior roles, invited onto Boards, being asked to mentor other women and expanding their networks. Clare’s initiative is practical and inspires real change.

“I am thrilled to be supporting the RCSA drive this initiative,” says Clare. “The recruitment sector can be a powerful force in ensuring the make-up of our workforces reflects the communities those people come from.  Providing employment opportunities has a positive social impact, which I think the sector can feel proud of, however the evidence is there that we need to do more to support understanding and attitudes within our sector if we’re to realise even greater outcomes. Change happens when everyone involved is educated and people take the time to willingly make the necessary steps to challenge the status quo. I commend the RCSA for taking meaningful action in this space.”

Clare is a trailblazer in the recruitment sector, working hard to give a voice and find practical ways of improving diversity outcomes across all industries.

To find out more about the group or how you can be involved, contact Brooke Lord, Head of Advocacy and Policy with RCSA on [email protected]

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