Ambitious recruitment and HR professionals now have just two weeks left to submit their applications to enrol on the first ever Executive MBA in Human Capital. Applications close on the 2nd March 2020 for the game-changing programme, which is delivered by Cranfield School of Management and designed in conjunction with the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) and Grant Thornton UK LLP.
For recruitment firms with Apprenticeship Levy pots, two-thirds of the cost of the EMBA in Human Capital can be covered through the initiative. For those without access to Levy funds, APSCo has secured the agreement of a number of member umbrella companies which have unused levy pot funds, for a transfer of up to 25% of those funds to APSCo members that wish to undertake this EMBA. APSCo also has a number of £2000 bursaries to award in addition to the funding available through the apprenticeship levy to assist members in sending delegates.
When donated funds are coupled with APSCo bursaries, the cost of the EMBA for members is reduced from £27,000 to £7,000. However, there is no guarantee that this additional funding will be available for cohorts beginning in September 2020 or later.
The two year programme will develop employees’ leadership and business abilities with a specific focus on applying these skills in talent acquisition. Core modules include operations, marketing, strategic management, data analytics, leadership and finance before specialising in a number of specific modules which are tailored for the recruitment profession.
On the impending deadline, Ann Swain, Chief Executive of APSCo, comments:
“Interest in this programme has been phenomenal and while many have applied – and been accepted – for an April start, there are still a few places available. We’re urging all those who have begun, but not yet completed, the application process to do so now. We are also encouraging professionals who have expressed a desire to join the programme to get their applications in now. The clock is ticking and individuals who miss the March deadline for submissions risk losing out on the generous financial contributions that APSCo is currently providing.
“For recruitment firms, the benefits of upskilling individuals to MBA level should not be underestimated: professionals are exposed to the very latest managerial thinking and trends in human capital. Delegates receive an industry-leading education which is delivered by current practitioners. This enables your colleagues to develop their knowledge, skills and abilities so that they can apply what they learn immediately in the workplace to bring the business forward. For recruitment professionals, whether you are working in a recruiting firm or within a corporate internal resourcing or HR department, this qualification is for you.
“We are itching to welcome the first cohort of delegates in April as we take our next step towards demonstrating the undisputable professionalism of our sector – and we want as many APSCo members as possible to benefit from this opportunity. Invest the time now to invest in your future!”
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