A book which takes a different look at diversity in tech, by showcasing the stories behind the statistics has been released by Talent. Human: Global perspectives on diversity in tech features firsthand accounts from 25 individuals, offering insights into what the technology community is doing to create more inclusive environments from the perspective of the individual.
To create the book, Talent interviewed people in 18 cities working in tech at companies including Uber, Telstra, Virgin Australia, Tableau, Tech Nation, Dimension Data, Ogilvy and more. Those profiled encompass different ethnic backgrounds, religions, genders, ages, sexual orientations, abilities, and personal circumstances and provides a first-hand account of their experiences across various work environments.
“I passionately believe that diversity should be celebrated in tech, the workplace, and life,” said Talent founder and executive chairman Richard Earl. “Human speaks to the importance of embracing individuality.
“Through Human, our aim is to celebrate differences rather than similarities and see each person for who they authentically are, not the label society has given them,” he added. “Hopefully, people reading this will identify with some of the stories and know they are not alone.”
Talent’s global chief marketing officer Melissa Brown said the decision to focus on personal experiences over data was a deliberate one. “As a leader in our field, we have a duty to inspire the companies we work with to look beyond stereotypes and find exceptional people from all backgrounds to join their teams. This is one of the ways we can redefine recruitment and something we feel strongly about.”
Globally recognised and awarded diversity and inclusion consultant Troy Roderick is featured in the book. Troy said the collection of stories in Human prove that being inclusive is not a “set and forget” exercise. “What I find most compelling about stories of difference is the fact that, in these profiles, side-by-side with the ever-present nature of diversity is the important presence of intentional inclusion,” he said. “The active and deliberate efforts of leaders and colleagues, and the conditions around them that enable inclusion is what brings these stories to life. The profiles in this book loudly remind us of this.”