Research from Tempo suggests the job for life is well and truly over, with three in ten millennials having clocked up five or more jobs in their career so far. The poll of more than 2,000 UK workers found that 28 per cent of people aged between 18-34 have already had more than five jobs. The average millennial has already had 3.4 jobs, compared to 5.9 for those in the 55+ age bracket. Northern Ireland was the region where employees had the most job moves, with 16 per cent of respondents reported having had ten jobs or more.
Further reinforcing their reputation for learning and progression, the research found that over half of millennials (52 per cent) say that they plan to move jobs within two years, and over a third (34 per cent) within the next twelve months. Millennials are not just seeking new jobs, but multi-disciplined, diverse careers. Tempo’s research found that two-thirds of under-35s (64 per cent) want to move sectors, compared to just 39 per cent of those between 35-55.
The research also sheds light on how motivations for choosing a role differs between the generations – and the sexes. While more than eight in ten (83 per cent) of over-55s cited salary as one of their top three motivations for choosing a new role, this figure fell to just 67 per cent for millennials. Women were also far more likely to cite flexible working (46 per cent) than men, less than a third of whom said this was a priority (29 per cent). Career progression, on the other hand, is almost twice as important to men (23 versus 15 per cent).
“Employers have found it notoriously difficult to understand millennials and their outlook on work. As a consequence, they have struggled to meet their needs,” said Ben Chatfield, CEO and co-founder at Tempo. “This generation has a different appetite for learning and self-improvement. They don’t see a portfolio career as ‘job hopping’ as older generations might. Instead, change an opportunity to develop key skills and try something new.
“There are multiple advantages to have a diverse job background. People who embrace variety are more adaptable, likely to have a range of soft skills, and a wider pool of professional contacts. Employers must realise the opportunity they present and do more to attract them. This means creating a recruitment system that supports a flexible employment structure and enables them to hire at speed,” concluded Chatfield.