Sunday, February 16 2025

The independent voice for the global staffing industry


Tag results for: workplace

Cautious roadmap to recovery offers hope

“The end is in sight” were Boris Johnson’s words as he announced the steps the country will take to ease lockdown. And it is, finally, beginning to feel like it.

Study provides insight into future of people and work in 4IR.

“HR can accomplish this by shifting from being a steward of employment to being one of work."

Malaysia employees express a need for diversity.

“As our knowledge of workplace D&I matures, employees are engaging on a level never seen before."

Digital workers contribution will grow by 50 per cent in two years says global research.

“Ethical, responsible automation will create a more productive, happier future."

Genuine environmental concerns good for staff attraction.

“Across all industries, organisations are responding by transforming workplaces into more sustainable environments."

Working more sociable hours, working fewer hours and someone simply saying ‘thank you’.

"More than a quarter told us that being thanked by the public would make them happier in their work."

Millennials believe benefits are now just a gimmick says research.

"Having responsibility and ownership over tasks has been proven to be a major contributing factor to overall job satisfaction.”

More than 9 in 10 SMEs don’t know the rights that the Equality Act 2010 gives to disabled employees.

"The percentage of respondents fully aware of the legislation remains low across all small business sectors."

Co-working spaces are on the rise, but may not be for everyone.

“Big business is embracing the co-working phenomenon, but it’s not for everyone.”

Employees are less happy in past three years says survey.

"Despite falling happiness levels, efficiency and productivity may be increasing."

Employees are three times more likely to discuss physical ailments over mental health issues at work.

“By signing this manifesto organisations from all sectors, and of all sizes, will join us in striving towards healthier working environments for everyone.”

UK workplace happiness score drops below global average.

“It’s no surprise that the UK workplace happiness score has fallen, given the uncertainty that businesses and individuals are feeling around Brexit."