Tuesday, February 11 2025

The independent voice for the global staffing industry



How recruiters can build back better featuring Kelly Services and Search Consultancy

Many recruiters have been through a tough time but as we move forward there is also clarity emerging around how to build back better and use the current circumstances to innovate and do things differently. This episode asks Richard Bradley, Managing Director UK & Ireland from Kelly Services and Richard Vickers, Chief Executive Officer from Search Consultancy what opportunities they see and what the government can do to help the labour market.

Both Richards were clear on the importance of the industry’s role in working with the government on schemes such a Kickstart to help get the labour market back to strength. Richard Bradley from Kelly thinks the government must engage with bodies like the REC to get more people into work.

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Key quotes/takeaways:

Neil Carberry  – Building back better is not just a cliché – there are so many things that we are doing now at the REC that we weren’t doing in February which i want us to keep doing.

Richard Vickers – We are doing what we have always done as a business but in a more efficient and effective manner. …….As a service provider you have to have a more flexible approach and look at how to incorporate new technologies to help differentiate us from others in the market.

RV – The industry Is having an opportunity to do something now that it hasn’t always done well which is to innovate.

Richard Bradley – Clients are looking for added value and data and insight – they don’t just want to be sold to. The ability to help and inform is more important than ever.

RB – It’s not just about technology either but how we deliver services matter – so we are seen as an extension of the client rather than just a third party supplier.


  • Richard Bradley, Managing Director UK & Ireland from Kelly Services
  • Richard Vickers, Chief Executive Officer from Search Consultancy

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