Tuesday, February 18 2025

The independent voice for the global staffing industry



What can you automate to improve recruitment business and consultant productivity?

Even before the coronavirus pandemic, millions of people were already working from home. But in the last year, many more have been forced to work from home to reduce the spread of infection. As remote working becomes the accepted norm, recruitment agencies are facing a very strange test of their productivity.

No matter what business you’re in, every minute counts. There are around 40 hours in the working week per employee and making these hours as productive as possible is essential to your bottom line. In the recruitment industry, just like everywhere else, increased productivity is key. It could put you ahead of your competition, or the lack of it could see you fall behind.

As automation takes a firm hold, the effective adoption of your recruitment CRM is essential to keep up. Not only in terms of making your volumes of data organised and accessible, but by bringing additional value to speed up processes and free up your time. Ultimately, you need to reduce, eradicate or automate time-consuming tasks to enhance your productivity.

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So many crucial, yet routine tasks can be completed quickly and easily through tools such as screening software for better worker compliance management. Not only does automation simplify and streamline the recruitment process, but it also increases the accuracy of the data because there is less scope for human error.


Which tasks can be automated?

Virtually every stage across your agency and recruitment lifecycle can be enhanced through technology – even more so if the platforms are integrated from front to back office operations including:

  • Automatic Google for jobs optimisation
  • Multi-job posting to job boards
  • CV parsing from web applications to your CRM
  • Searching your database through intuitive search
  • Scheduling temps into shifts across multiple clients
  • Right to Work checks
  • Automated compliance expiry alerts
  • KPI reporting and analytics

Tasks involving critical thinking and human intuition should therefore be the focus for consultants and managers. When the technology works best, it gives you freedom to do more.

Make 2021 a stronger year for your recruitment business, visit our strong start to 2021 hub or download our Recruiter’s Guide.


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Access Recruitment
Access Recruitmenthttps://www.theaccessgroup.com/recruitment-software/
At Access Recruitment we power an unrivalled recruitment experience through a world-class portfolio of software, dedicated expertise and a unique understanding of the industry. Partnering with recruiters of all sizes we give you the freedom to attract, manage and pay your candidates quickly and efficiently. We are the only provider to offer the entire spectrum of front to back-office SaaS solutions including recruitment websites, CRM, automated candidate screening and payroll and billing software.

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